Ann Granger
Born in England
Hyperlinks on book titles are to reviews by 'Euro Crime' reviewers, supplemented by reviews from 'Reviewing the Evidence' (to 2013) and 'Crime Review' (from 2019).
Fran Varady
Inspector Jess Campbell & Superintendent Ian Carter, Cotswolds
Mud, Muck and Dead Things | 2009 | 1 |
Rack, Ruin and Murder | 2011 | 2 |
Bricks and Mortality | 2013 | 3 |
Dead In The Water | 2015 | 4 |
Rooted In Evil | 2017 | 5 |
An Unfinished Murder | 2018 | 6 |
Lizzie Martin, Lady's companion and Inspector Ben Ross, Victorian Era
Mitchell & Markby
Say It With Poison | 1991 | 1 |
A Season for Murder | 1991 | 2 |
Cold in the Earth | 1992 | 3 |
Murder Among Us | 1992 | 4 |
Where Old Bones Lie | 1993 | 5 |
A Fine Place for Death | 1994 | 6 |
Flowers for His Funeral | 1994 | 7 |
Candle for a Corpse | 1995 | 8 |
A Touch of Mortality | 1996 | 9 |
A Word After Dying | 1996 | 10 |
Call the Dead Again | 1998 | 11 |
Beneath These Stones | 1999 | 12 |
Shades of Murder | 2000 | 13 |
Restless Evil | 2002 | 14 |
That Way Murder Lies | 2004 | 15 |
Deadly Company | 2022 | 16 |
Short Story Collection
Mystery in the Making | 2021 | 1 |
last updated 8/05/2023 10:54